CoDrone EDU: A drone designed for the classroom!
Over the years, drones have become popular because of their practical uses especially in the field of education to learn coding and programming. As more drones are being introduced in the market, it is...
CoDrone EDU, and What Makes it Different
Ok, so which drone should I get?
How does the CoDrone EDU compare to our 2 previous drones: the CoDrone Mini in 2020, and the CoDrone Pro in 2016? I put together this handy dandy...
Best Drones for Kids in School
This blog is written to assist instructors on which drone they should buy for their school and companies or sites where they can buy those. This includes factors you need to consider when you...
Vol. 7 (7.25.2023) News/Updates for REC Foundation Aerial Drone Competition Resources for Coaches and...
Disclaimer: This post is from REC Foundation.
Hello, Aerial Drone Competition Community:
Thank you for being a part of the Aerial Drone Competition! We want to keep you informed of all the exciting plans leading up...
Best Drone for Education
Robolink CoDrone Mini - STEAM Educational Drone
Robolink was established in 2012 and its main task was to encourage students all around the world to learn about the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) way of...
Competitive Drone Tournaments
Want to put your drone skills to the next level? Why not join these marvelous competitions for students and drone enthusiasts for all levels - these are the top 3 drone competitions that you,...
Airblock: First Modular and Programmable Drone
Makeblock introduces the first modular and programmable drone, the Airblock, which can be bought at a very reasonable price of $99. Airblock is not just a drone but can also be switched to hovercraft...
Parrot Mambo: One of the Most Stable Minidrones
Parrot Mambo is a fun and easy to fly racing drone for beginners. It’s a small plastic drone that’s intuitive to fly, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand and so...
CoDrone Pro: Fly drones, build & program your controller
CoDrone Pro is a drone that teaches you how to code. It is the first ever programmable drone designed to teach you to do programming. It is an educational drone in the market that...
Bell Vertical Robotics Competition
The Bell Vertical Robotics Competition is one of the celebrated competitions presented by the Robotics Education and Competition Foundation or REC Foundation. Its mission is to increase student interest and involvement in Science, Technology,...