Buildy Bots: A cool way to learn coding and robotics without screentime!

Ever wonder how you can motivate your kids’ learning and encourage them to build their knowledge in technology without screentime? Yes, it’s absolutely possible with Buildy Bots! Robolink was the first to make a programmable...

Vol. 7 (7.25.2023) News/Updates for REC Foundation Aerial Drone Competition Resources for Coaches and...

Disclaimer: This post is from REC Foundation. Hello, Aerial Drone Competition Community: Thank you for being a part of the Aerial Drone Competition! We want to keep you informed of all the exciting plans leading up...

CoDrone Pro: Fly drones, build & program your controller

CoDrone Pro is a drone that teaches you how to code. It is the first ever programmable drone designed to teach you to do programming. It is an educational drone in the market that...

Learn How to Build Robots in fun and easy ways with VEX GO

Do you want to involve your kids into STEM learning as early as their grade school years? There is this cool, fun and engaging robotics kit that includes creative building, robotics and coding all...
CDE hand_holding

Best Drones for Kids in School

This blog is written to assist instructors on which drone they should buy for their school and companies or sites where they can buy those. This includes factors you need to consider when you...

2021-2022 VRAD Season Martian Survival

Virtual RECF Aerial Drone (VRAD) combines the excitement of Esports and the educational value of computer science with a competition focused on real-world programming skills and gaming strategy. Surviving on Mars can be difficult, but...
Sumo Robot

How to Program Sumo Robots with Arduino

What is a Sumo Robot? Have you ever watched a sumo wrestling match? How about robots doing sumo wrestling? Yes, there is such a thing called Sumo robot which is also considered a sport too!...

A Cool and Exciting Way to Build Robots, Thanks to Vex IQ!

Do you want to build a robot? But not just an ordinary robot but one that has an amazing look and feel to it – something that includes multiple motors and sensors with a...

Upcoming Workshops with RAD

Hi RAC community, The RADC season has launched and the excitement has begun. Teams are registering and event partners are calling to plan their events. RADC is a developing program at the REC Foundation, we...

Bell Vertical Robotics Competition

The Bell Vertical Robotics Competition is one of the celebrated competitions presented by the Robotics Education and Competition Foundation or REC Foundation. Its mission is to increase student interest and involvement in Science, Technology,...
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