Hi RAC community,

The RADC season has launched and the excitement has begun. Teams are registering and event partners are calling to plan their events. RADC is a developing program at the REC Foundation, we are growing nationwide and as this season gets underway, new teams and events will continue to be added. 

VRAD is in its final planning stages and details will be released soon!  It will be very similar to last year, but with MORE features and options. 

Have questions? Feel free to reach out to Louann at louann_cormier@roboticseducation.org. She will support you and your teams this season.


They have a number of upcoming workshops to discuss the RADC season. Here are links to registration and more information:

Wednesday 9/29 – RADC Information Session for Coaches 

Thursday 9/30 – RADC Drones Introductory Event Partner Training

Tuesday 10/5 – RADC Information Session for Coaches

Wednesday 10/13 – RADC Drones Introductory Event Partner Training

2021-2022 Season is open DownDraft 2

The new season is open!  Check out the game manual 

When does the RADC season begin?

For the 2021-2022 Season we are planning the following

  • September 15th: DownDraft 2 Begins
  • September – November: Kick off events and workshops
  • December – February: Qualifying Tournaments
  • February – March: Regional Championship events
  • May: World Championship

FAQ about RADC

As questions come in, I capture the common ones on my FAQ sheet.  Check it out to see what the community is asking. Have a question you need to be answered? Email Louann and she’ll be happy to help.

Register your teams

Planning to compete this year, register your teams now.  By registering early, it helps us determine how many events they need to have in your area.  

Post your RADC event on Robot Events and the High Flyer award may earn a spot to the RADC World Championship!

As they work out qualifying to championship details over the next 2 months, they can offer you this opportunity now!  Post an event by Monday October 4th and the High Flyer Award will earn a spot to worlds if the following conditions are met.

  • Event must be posted and approved in Robotevents.com by Monday, October 4th
  • Event must take place between December 1st and February 13th
  • Event must be for 24 teams or more
  • Event registration must be open to all teams (no invitational events)
  • Event must have at least 14 teams registered and paid 1 week prior to the event


  1. RADC – In-person drone competition played on a 28’ x 28’ Field.  4 Drones made up of 2 Alliances fly around the field to score as many points as possible.  The object of the game is to attain a higher score than the opposing alliance.  Competitions also offer skill challenges and judging.
  2. VRAD – Global multiplayer virtual aerial drone competition that is played 100% online.  Teams will use real-time programming to fly their drones and complete the challenge while earning points.  

Tip: If you register for both RADC and VRAD at the same time, you will save $50


Have a question about either of our RAD programs?  Send an email to louann_cormier@roboticseducation.org and she will be in touch.

Thanks for your online support of their programs at the REC Foundation. They look forward to seeing your students in action soon!