Ever wonder how you can motivate your kids’ learning and encourage them to build their knowledge in technology without screentime? Yes, it’s absolutely possible with Buildy Bots!
Robolink was the first to make a programmable educational drone along with a self-driving car kit that teaches artificial intelligence. All their past campaigns were delivered on time and all of their three Kickstarter campaigns were successfully completed and that raised over 400% of past pledge goals. This year, they are bringing you a coding kit that lessens your kid’s time in front of the computer, introducing the Buildy Bots! It’s a perfect gift to your kids 5+ this Christmas holiday. They also guarantee delivery before Christmas, otherwise you’ll get a full refund.

Buildy Bots can be coded without the use of a computer or device as its board uses short-distance wireless technology paired with coding blocks. Each block has its own action where you can create simple to complex programs. It uses pictures for the kids to identify the actions easily.
The Buildy Bot kit is easy to assemble. As it’s an educational toy, you can play with your kiddo at the same time explore the world of coding with its structured learning curriculum.

What if my kid grows up? Can he still play and learn with Buildy Bots? Of course! Buildy Bots is designed for kids starting at age 5 with simple building of machines but as they grow and learn new things and skills, Buildy Bots can be more challenging through code sensors, building more complex machines and explore a new invention.
My kid wants to play with the Buildy Bots for several hours and I know that most coding kits should be charged after a couple of minutes of using it. Worry no more! Buildy Bots gives your kids more time to play with the kit without charging it, as you only need to replace the batteries once they’re all used up.
Other than its own parts and tools, Buildy Bots is compatible with LEGO so your kids can build a more exciting unique robot. You may set aside the coding first as it also comes along with a remote control so your kids can drive their creation right away.

Definitely a one-of-a-kind kit! Buildy Bots is an excellent tool for young children to build their creativity, enhance their fine-motor skills, learn physical computing and develop critical thinking skills which they learn while they play! These skills can also be a positive impact in their lives as they contribute to the 21st century world that we live in both now and the future. Surely a terrific way to motivate your kids to learn while they play.