Competitive Drone Tournaments

Want to put your drone skills to the next level? Why not join these marvelous competitions for students and drone enthusiasts for all levels - these are the top 3 drone competitions that you,...

STEM Kit Gift Ideas for Teen Girls

Looking for a cool and exciting gift for a teen daughter, niece or sister? Teen girls nowadays are not into cute bags and accessories anymore, they would prefer awesome new trends in gadgets and...

Top five reasons to use drones in education

Drones are certainly entertaining and interesting, but they have also developed into a teaching tool for "real-world" applications that are wide-ranging and inclusive. Top five reasons for drone use in education: 1. Applications in "real-world" settings...

2022 Christmas STEM Gift for Teenage Boys

Christmas is the season of gift giving. Whether you are a kid or an adult, it’s always an overwhelming feeling receiving a gift from someone. Are you having a hard time to think of...

CoDrone Pro: Fly drones, build & program your controller

CoDrone Pro is a drone that teaches you how to code. It is the first ever programmable drone designed to teach you to do programming. It is an educational drone in the market that...

Upcoming Workshops with RAD

Hi RAC community, The RADC season has launched and the excitement has begun. Teams are registering and event partners are calling to plan their events. RADC is a developing program at the REC Foundation, we...

VEX: An Educational Robotics for Everyone

Why should I learn robotics? What are the benefits of learning it? Why educational robotics? Does it help me in the future? Some of the questions that pop into my head when I hear...

2021-2022 VRAD Season Martian Survival

Virtual RECF Aerial Drone (VRAD) combines the excitement of Esports and the educational value of computer science with a competition focused on real-world programming skills and gaming strategy. Surviving on Mars can be difficult, but...

Get your driving skills into the world of Artificial Intelligence with Zumi!

With the advanced technology, humanity’s future might turn to the world of digital technologies with robotics and artificial intelligence that will greatly impact the future generations. Introducing programmable robots will allow children to learn...

Start a Great Introduction on Robotics with Robolink’s Rokit Smart

Ever wonder what to give your kids for their birthday? Or perhaps you want them to learn and be involved with robotics with the gift that you’ll give them? There is just the right...
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